Farming Simulator Platinum Edition engl. Version

Farming Simulator Platinum Edition engl. Version

Unser Download Preis: 23,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 02. Januar 2012
Kategorie(n): Landwirtschaft 
Sprache(n): Englisch 
Downloadgröße: 851 MB
Publisher: astragon
Artikel-Nr.: AS0131363EN





The top-seller goes platinum!

This Platinum Edition of one of the best selling PC-simulations 2010, “Farming Simulator 2011”, offers the player even more realistic agricultural gameplay with detailed vehicles and extensions. Next to the popular base game which allows you to experience the real life of a farmer with multiple-player mode, husbandry and detailed vehicles, you will find the below mentioned new platinum contents. Also included is the following brand-new platinum-feature: Players are now able to generate...



Few simulators on the market are offering such an amount of content in one box! And if this is still not enough for you, you can choose from a multitude of modifications and download them from the web easily.


The “Farming-Simulator 2011 Platinum Edition” is a must-have for every agriculture and technical simulations fan.


Features of base game:

  • Career mode with business part, animal husbandry and energy production
  • Play together with your friends in the new multiplayer mode (internet connection required)
  • Authentic agricultural machinery by DEUTZ-FAHR, KRONE, HORSCH, PÖTTINGER. VOGEL & NOOT and AMAZONE (new!!!!)
  • Different types of crop such as barley, corn, rapeseed and wheat
  • A freely navigable world
  • Computer controlled workers
  • Download additional vehicles and equipment with automatic mod installation
  • Support of gamepad, joystick & steering wheels


New Platinum Contents:



  • Wheel loader



  • Krone XDisc direct cutting system
  • Pöttinger HIT 130 A tedder
  • Pöttinger TOP 1252 four-rotor windrower
  • Silage forks
  • Lemken Juvel 8 (6+1 plow)
  • Horsch Express 3 TD (3 point seeder)



  • Krone ZX 550 GD dual-purpose forage wagon
  • Mobile fuel tank
  • Bergmann TSW 4190 S (manure spreader)
  • Kotte Landtechnik GARANT VTL 19.500 Two-axle slurry tanker
  • Mobile fertilizer tank
  • Bergmann M1080 (Manure Spreader)
  • Pöttinger Jumbo 10010 CL dual-purpose forage wagon
  • Bergmann HTW65 chaff transport wagon
  • Amazone ZG-B 8200 Bulk material centrifugal broadcaster
  • Mobile water tank
  • Gilibert 1800 Pro 2-axis trailer
  • Gilibert Helios 15 manure spreader
  • Krone ZX 450 GD dual-purpose forage wagon


Plants and Buildings:

  • Biogas plant
  • bee house
  • Free placeable solar plant
  • Free placeable wind energy plant
  • Free placeable green houses


Exclusively in the Platinum Edition:

  • Bergmann Shuttle 900K large silage wagon



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Farming Simulator Platinum Edition engl. Version Farming Simulator Platinum Edition engl. Version Farming Simulator Platinum Edition engl. Version Farming Simulator Platinum Edition engl. Version


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